Corda & Taiko

The art of taiko, the Japanese drum, meets that of shibari. Isabella Corda, the versatile artist of the shibari, the art of string tying, will give life to a fantastic plot, almost like a spider web in which to capture the audience, while the powerful vibrations of the Japanese drums, represented here by Rita Superbi, Catia Castagna and Marilena Bisceglia of Taiko Trio, will introduce and accompany the performance.
The audience will be emotionally involved and enveloped by the sound of the powerful drums and by the strings, strong but at the same time maternal and gentle, by Isabella Corda.

Shibari: Isabella Corda
Trio Taiko: Rita Superbi, Catia Castagna, Marilena Bisceglia

Salone dei Forum MACRO ASILO Saturday February 23, 2019 
Video © Monkeys VideoLab