Part 1 | November 1 - 7 2018 | MACRO ASILO hosted the second icono-sonora survey on the voice of human territoriality. After Reggio Emilia (2017) Yuval Avital arrives in Rome with a project that will take place in several stages for the duration of one year. The voices and faces of hundreds of people will compose a shared image of the City: through the mapping of the vocal and aesthetic singularities of Rome, a great meta-chorus will be composed, a fresco of the sounds and gestures of the crowd, orchestrated in a geographical symphony.
In this first stage, every inhabitant of Rome was invited to participate as a performer at MACRO ASILO. An exhibition of "Crowd Music" - a term coined by the artist in 2011 - directed by Avital starting from its seven visual scores chosen for the project.
The audio-visual material collected from the collective actions, together with the filming carried out in various parts of the city, will then be presented in 2019 in a large multimedia composition of dynamic polyptychs, including dozens of performances. [video © Monkeys VideoLab]