February 20 > May 17, 2015
Sala Enel 1

The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura e Turismo - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali

Organized by Zètema Progetto Cultura

The exhibition presents an extraordinary gallery of sculptures by Giuseppe Ducrot (Rome, 1966), from the huge resin models to the ceramic sketches, from the extraordinary “terracotta invetriata” inventions to the scenographic neo baroque forms, which is articulated in a path of unexpected thematic and material contaminations.

The exhibition reflects the compositional freedom of Giuseppe Ducrot, originated by a combination and contamination of styles and references to the past, reading with a modern sensibility. A combination originated by a conceptual reflection on an aesthetic of sculpting, leading in solitary autonomy . A tenacious dexterity that is the link between ancient and contemporary, achieved with a refined technique of material processing.

To the dissolution of the sculpture, condemned as "dead language" by Arturo Martini, Ducrot opposes a centrality of the past ethical, owned to the artist, in which conception, gestation and construction of the building coexist, away from the sidereal dematerialization of contemporary art, from the primacy of the idea over the matter. Bonito Oliva writes about it: "In the same matter of his work, in marble or gold, in clay or bronze, the elaboration of the form vibrates. A sensitive fight, but not emotional, because it is realized by a combinatorial system, virtue of fulfillment and passion for detail. "

Giuseppe Ducrot was born in 1966 in Rome, where actually lives and works. His artistic career starts with the tempera painting and drawing. Inspiration of his first artworks are the Classical Art of the Roman Empire, the Hellenic sculpture and the scenographic inventions of the Baroque. He has a light made up by an original contemporary sensibility, in order to realize elaborate mythological figures and saints.