June 25 > October 30, 2011

curated by Elena Forin 

I Floor

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

Esther Stocker: Destino Comune (common destiny)

MACRO presents Common destiny, Esther Stocker’s new installation, produced in collaboration with Oredaria Arti Contemporanee. In Common Destiny, Esther Stocker creates a structure made of black sticky tape, which covers the room and marks out shapes. The starting point of the artist's work is a regular geometric grid, which is broken by the insertion of appropriate "errors", representing "damage to the system." Walking across the room thus transformed, the viewer enters a dimension that is no longer fully recognizable, an area where it is the errors that give the coordinates and capture one’s attention: the individual thus becomes part of this imprecision, a system of rules that is no longer defined but characterized by a kind of vagueness.