June 25, 2011 > January 29, 2012
Sala Bianca - I floor

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

Giuseppe Stampone: Saluti da L’Aquila (Greetings from L'Aquila)

Giuseppe Stampone presents the next phase of his project: "Greetings from L'Aquila," an opportunity for visitors to participate actively in his work through a brand new installation. The images of the new architectural face of the city devastated by the earthquake are the subject of thousands of postcards that Stampone has created and sent all over the world since January. For MACRO, the artist has chosen some new images that were sent from Rome: these pictures tell the story of an aesthetic development blacked and locked in the scaffolding which for more than a year has enclosed buildings that are still in a state of disrepair.

Through the installation, which uses different languages and various media, the public can see, on a map projected on the walls, all the places and all people that have received the Greetings. Not only will the public see the places and names reached by the artist’s message but will also be able to participate actively in the project by keeping one of the postcards or writing one. Visitors can place their contributions in a white box. Stampone will then gradually send these postcards and update the mailing map, thus, thanks to their participation the ‘Greetings from L'Aquila’ will reach an increasingly greater number of people in the world.