June 25 > October 30, 2011
Curated by Benedetta Carpi de Resmini / Benedetta di Loreto . Project conceived and coordinated by Constance Paissan . II floor.

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

This is the fourth in the series of roommates/coinquilini exhibitions, a project in which the Museum opens its doors to the works of young artists and curators from the Roman scene. On this occasion, Guendalina Salini and Marinella Senatore transform the exhibition area into a theatre of the soul and memory, a reflection on different facets of the local community.
In her work Non troverai mai i confini dell’anima (you will never find the boundaries of the soul), Guendalina Salini creates a large mandala of coloured rods, a structure similar to a sort of impermanent and playful city plan, reminiscent of oriental figurines made of coloured sand, creating a circular diagram of symbolic value. Marinella Senatore instead creates a "theatre of memory" entitled Electric Theatre, in which she performs stories, anecdotes and memories of events and happenings of the past.